Control and Command Center

Control and Command Center

The Tanos CCC (Control and Command Center) controls every aspect of the building through the Cloud. The multi-screen Control Command Center is designed and built to maximise efficient handling of building functionality for the building managers and engineers.


One of the screens in the CCC always displays vital parameters of the building/facility. These parameters are real-time and are continuously updated. This helps the building manager keep a real-time check on the Air Quality, Water, Energy and HVAC functions of the building.


One of the screens in the CCC displays all the notifications, warnings and alarms from the Tanos system. All the events happening in the building (pumps switching on/off etc) are notified in real-time in the CCC. High-priority alerts like fire-warnings, low water levels etc are displayed with a red blinking light to encourage immediate action.


Tanos has an entire suite of applications for controlling and analysing every equipment/machinery in a building. This suite of applications is available on an entirely different screen in the CCC.